
Optimising Social Media Advertising

By August 2, 2024 No Comments

In the ever-evolving digital advertising landscape, understanding where key competitors are allocating ad spend across social media platforms is key to understanding competitor marketing plans as well as optimising one’s own marketing strategies.

A recent analysis of the top 10 advertisers (by reach) per social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and YouTube) reveals some compelling trends:

  • Retail is the biggest category on both Facebook and Instagram with 4 of the 10 advertisers coming from retail, principally large online retailers coving fashion and apparel but also more general household goods. Clearly the Meta brands are perceived to perform well in performance-based campaigns for these large retailer brands.
  • TikTok, however, tells a different story. Retail, media, and financial services are all represented, with two brands each in the top 10. Rightly or wrongly, TikTok is associated with the Gen Z audience, with brands across multiple verticals attracted to its offering.
  • 4 of the top 10 YouTube advertisers belong to audio and video streamers, which prompts the question of whether these streamers are seeing their advertising drive viewership back from YouTube to their own platforms.

Leveraging RealityMine for Advertising ‘Walled Garden’ Measurement

RealityMine’s advanced technology offers detailed data and insights into advertising trends. Here’s how businesses can use it:

  • Cross-Platform Effectiveness:
    • Combine with surveys to determine which platforms provide the best brand lift performance for your brand.
  • Cross-Platform Attribution:
    • Understand which platforms are most effective at driving traffic to your brand.
  • Competitive & Market Trend Analysis:
    • Monitor cross-platform competitor advertising campaigns and strategies, and audience targeting.

RealityMine’s social media advertising data helps businesses make smart and effective decisions across platforms. By knowing where and how to best reach your customers, you can allocate ad spend more efficiently, expanding your brand’s reach and achieving better engagement and results.

Many of the brands in the top 10 advertisers in the USA may not come as a surprise. However, some of the categories may be alluding at a change in younger generations’ priorities, focusing on well-being and financial health.

Are you interested in finding out who the key players are in these categories? RealityMine can help. Get in touch.

*Paid advertisers (by reach) on the social media platforms: Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and YouTube. Data collected between 1 July 2024 and 31 July 2024 from our USA partners.